The 2018 film FUNNY STORY features a great cast of women including Jana Winternitz and Emily Bett Rickards, but it comes from a contrived plot that falls apart almost as quickly as it appears to be written. It's a lesbian comedy written by Michael J. Gallagher and Steve Greene.
The story revolves around a middle-aged male divorcee dating a much younger woman who finds himself in a love nest with his daughter's fiancé on the ride up to her own wedding ceremony.
What I found to be particularly disturbing is that I cannot imagine why a lesbian would sleep with her fiancés father a few days before her wedding and the film did not provide any salient reason for this incredible betrayal.
To me, the film seemed like an older man's wet dream that provided no authentic look inside these characters' psyches. The film missed a giant opportunity to delve into the complicated and messy substance of father and daughter relationships. If the film for example, had made the father character to be a misogynist and rapist, as a female audience-goer might have perceived, then this story would have taken a much darker but more authentic path and dare to traverse into a substantially more interesting and complex story of desire, morality, and sexuality. Unfortunately, this film attempted to be a romantic comedy in which it failed miserably. Don't waste your time.
Rating: F
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