"The Art of Racing in the Rain"

"The Art of Racing in the Rain" is a bittersweet drama about a race car driver and his family told from the perspective of the family dog, Enzo. Enzo is voiced by Kevin Costner. He's a soulful dog with the mind and soul of a philosopher. He reminded me a little of Winnie the Pooh's character, sad and soulful.

"The Art of Racing in the Rain" is based on the best-selling book of the same name written by Garth Stein. The race car driver Denny is played by Milo Ventimiglia and his wife Eve by Amanda Seyfried.

The movie uses racing as a metaphor for navigating through the highs and lows of life. I liked this line from the movie: "If the driver has the courage to create his own conditions, then the rain is simply rain."

Unfortunately, much of the acting felt wooden and insincere. My favorite character was the dog. I can imagine that the script was well-written but the film itself was poorly executed and the story came off as saccharine at times.

Rating: C
