Elizabeth Banks presents a new, contemporary Charlie's Angels featuring Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, Ella Balinska, and Patrick Stewart. The film revolves around a systems engineer (Naomi Scott) who works for a major tech company who discovers that the product her company is rolling out has a serious glitch--it can be weaponized into a bomb that can target individuals remotely. The Angels quickly assemble a team and join forces with the engineer to recover the product and prevent it from getting into the wrong hands.
The movie bombed in almost every way.
Everything moves very slowly, even the action sequences were painful to watch. The writing is mostly to blame, though. Most of the jokes were "almost" funny and even then, completely failed to deliver. However, the movie does have some cheesy moments that are sure to please a few folks.
Kristen Stewart and Naomi Scott were the best part of this film.
Rating: D
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