UNDERWATER: A Failed Concept that Never Gets Off the Ground

UNDERWATER is a sci-fi action flick featuring the likable Kristen Stewart as a crew member who is tasked with helping her fellow crewmates survive a serious accident where mysterious and dangerous creatures lurk in the murky depths around them. 

UNDERWATER is a failed concept that never quite gets off the ground. One of the main issues that I encountered is that there is hardly any character development and what little there is comes across as hollow and predictable. 

Like an old myth such as Pandora's Box, we are presented with the idea that humanity has somehow gone too far and upset the natural balance, challenging the fate of an entire crew aboard a giant drilling station six miles below in the depths of the sea where a drilling operation is taking place. 

However, there were some fantastic action sequences and a terrifying monster that looked like it was taken straight from H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulu mythos. 

Rating: D 
